Body Like Scripture
Mixed Media
Performance at Allen Hall Theatre, University of Otago, Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand on March 13th, 2020
Performance at Mercury Cafe, Denver on September 14th, 2019. Videography by Shruti Kaul.
Performance at Wesley Foundation, Boulder on September 15th, 2019. Videography by Shruti Kaul, Installation art by Saskia Becker, Lights by Mikilin Pearson.
Performance at Wolverine Farm, Fort Collins on September 16th, 2019. Installation art by Saskia Becker
Body Like Scripture is a full length performance art show that weaves together electroacoustic music, spoken word, drag, dance, and ritual, exploring themes of legibility/illegibility, coherence/incoherence, survival/resistance, and the sacred/profane.
The overall show title Body like Scripture, is both a prayer and an assertion. Body like Scripture, as in my body is the sacred map I follow, all the guidance I need to lead me to the horizons I seek. Body like Scripture, as in, please let these worlds change, so we may value our trans bodies, please let these worlds change so we may listen more to the wisdom of our bones, these bones that have come from Earth and return, these bones that can call us forward into accountability, into dreams of sustainable futures. Body like Scripture, as in, maybe through witnessing this performance you can more deeply experience the ground of your being, let the reflection of my art echo-shine off some important place within you.
The show has been performed in Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins in 2019 and in Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand in 2020. Some pieces in the show are available to watch online including: Body Like Scripture (the title song), we taste queerness on the twilight, Lullaby (for Blake), and when my body becomes the art.
Contact me for bookings in your area or if you’d like to see more footage or read more text from the show!