Come check out the latest project I’ve been working on with Control Group Productions. Opening this Saturday, Breathing Healing into the Banks of Sand Creek is an immersive land-based learning experience sharing the history-into-present of the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre – the deadliest day in Colorado history – and the policies and mentalities that led to it.
Embark on a journey on the Breathing Healing Bus to Denver sites where this history lives. Embodied participatory performance at each site invites audiences into sensory and emotional experiences of the history and its ongoing effects in the present. During the bus rides, we participate in internal somatic and visualization practices (written by Cinnamon Kills First) aimed at healing wounds created by and borne from the White culture that perpetrated this atrocity. Through this process of learning and healing this traumatic history, we’ll find new ways to invest collaboratively in an equitable future together.